
Welcome to the webpage of the Bachelor Program in Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Life Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret. It is an honor for us to welcome your visit to this webpage. The development of science and technology demands an increasing role of scientists and researchers with strong motivations, high work ethics, and sufficient academic quality. We aim to produce qualified graduates with internationally reputable scientific work. We offer an excellent supporting system, i.e., superior human resources and adequate laboratory facilities to reach our purpose.

Universitas Sebelas Maret has opted to become a World Class University (WCU) and the established Bachelor Program in Biology will support that plan. We target to produce qualified human resources in the future, support the development of science and technology and take active roles in the research and development of sound technology in every branch of knowledge, especially Biology.

Best regards,

Dr. Dra. Ratna Setyaningsih, M.Si.
Head of Bachelor Program in Biology FMIPA UNS


Dr. Dra. Ratna Setyaningsih, M.Si.
Head of Bachelor Program in Biology FMIPA UNS