

Student Community Service (KKN)
Student community service is part of the implementation of education in the form of science, technology, and art experience activities by students to the community. Student community service is carried out in an institutionalized and structured manner as part of the implementation of the higher education curriculum, which must be followed by every undergraduate law study program student (S1) with mandatory intracurricular status. Student community service programs to optimize the achievement of higher education goals and objectives, namely:
  1. Produce scholars who live with the problems of society and are able to provide solutions to problems pragmatically.
  2. Shaping the personality of students as development cadres with comprehensive thinking insight.
KKN activities are directed to 3 targets, namely:
A. Student
  1. Deepen students’ understanding, appreciation, and experience of: a) Interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral ways of thinking and working. b) The usefulness of the results of education and research for development in general and the development of rural areas in particular. c) Difficulties faced by the community in development and the overall context of regional development problems.
  2. Maturing students’ mindsets in analyzing and solving problems that exist in society in a scientific pragmatic manner.
  3. Forming attitudes and feelings of love, social care, and student responsibility for the progress of society.
  4. Provide skills to students to carry out development and development programs.
  5. Fostering students to become innovators, motivators, and problem solvers.
  6. Provide experience and skills to students as development cadres.
By participating in KKN activities, students are expected to gain experience of living in a community and be able to develop and apply academic knowledge. The success of the activity program is measured by the extent to which students have an understanding of the problems that exist in society, look for alternative solutions, carry out socialization, communication, and coordination with various parties to realize the solution they choose..
B. Community (Partners and Government)
  1. Get help with ideas and energy to plan and implement community development.
  2. Improve the ability to think, behave, and act in solving problems.
  3. Obtaining the necessary reforms in regional empowerment.
  4. Forming community empowerment cadres
C. College
  1. The university is more focused in developing science and knowledge, with feedback as a result of the integration of students with the community. Thus, the university curriculum will be adapted to the dynamics of society.
  2. Universities can collaborate with government agencies or other institutions in the development of science and technology.
  3. Universities can develop science and technology that is more useful in managing and solving various problems in society.


The mechanism for implementing KKN can be seen on the website 

(diarahkan ke website KKN LPPM)